As our driver transported us from the airport to the compound on which we stayed for the duration of our trip to Haiti, he pointed in the general direction of the beach that receives cruise ships and tourists. That portion of Haiti is separated from the rest and is considered by some to be the most beautiful section of Haiti.

But I disagree.

To be fair, I didn’t visit the cleaned up and polished beach just around the other side of the mountain. But I saw something most tourists do not get to see. I saw the people and visited several in their homes. I saw the determination and hard work that life requires from them. I saw a light in their eyes fueled by a love for Jesus. There is nothing more beautiful than a person on fire for the Lord, a person who is ready to be a light in a dark land.

We walked a mile up the mountainside to say hello to a man invested in the launch of Harvest Cap Haitian. This man hikes his mountain path numerous times a day several times a week so he can be part of the church God is planting.


We visited the school, the university campus where the church will meet, and we made new friends.


We sang along to familiar worship songs in English while the Haitians sang in Creole. We opened our Bibles and sought wisdom from the Word together. The sweetest moment was when my Haitian sisters in Christ prayed for the requests dear to my heart, interceding on my behalf.


God used this trip to knit together friendships through shared laughter, prayers, and a few screams caused by a hard-shelled insect setting up home in the girls’ room 🙂


God is doing an amazing work in Haiti. He has raised up a group of people that desire to proclaim His name unashamedly in a culture that can be very dark. This Sunday – yes THIS SUNDAY, you can be part of the launch of Harvest Cap Haitian! Their service starts at 7am and goes until 9am EST. Won’t you join me and the many others God has raised to intercede on behalf of this church plant in prayer?

  • Pray the Word is unapologetically proclaimed.
  • Pray that Jesus’ name is lifted high through worship.
  • Pray those in attendance come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
  • Pray those committed to Christ find that special way they can use their gifts to serve the Lord.
  • Pray that friendships deepen as the local people serve the Lord side-by-side.

We saw this banner stretched across a busy section of road on our way to the airport for our return trip to Canada. It made me smile. God is building His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!


A special thank you goes out to all who messaged me to tell me that you were praying for our team. Keep praying! God is on the move!