The goodness of God is everywhere: new routes made in a traumatized brain, babies born too early now healthy and strong, blades slicing through flesh but not stealing life, a pushing back against paralysis, delayed surgery resulting in new, life-saving options.

The goodness of my Father overwhelms me when I dwell on all he has done. Who am I to receive such mercy from God? Who am I to receive what I don’t deserve?

Who is God?

God has revealed himself to be who he says he is: healer, provider, sustainer, and Lord. He has made his love known. Every answer to my prayers is not ‘yes’, but still, he has made it plain that he—and only he—holds everything in his hand. What remains to be determined is how we respond.


Earthly healing, as magnificent and wonderful as it is to receive, is a dim foreshadowing of eternity where Jesus heals all wounds, rights every wrong, and welcomes the redeemed into his eternal presence. “Yes, be amazed at earthly healing,” says the preacher. “But be more amazed at the Lord who heals.”

The only fitting response

Each merciful act is a point of decision. It is a call to repent, to turn from sin, and embrace the forgiveness of God. It is a call to move from simply being aware of the Lord to completely surrendering all that we are and all that we have to him to use for his purposes and glory.

A deeper calling

But this call goes even further. God doesn’t save us so we can be comfortable in this life. He has called us to, “proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

The world is filled with people who need to hear of Jesus and “how will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him who they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” Romans 10:14-15

How have you responded to his goodness? With whom have you shared the goodness of God?