Life is going to unfold in unimaginable ways.

Sometimes life unfolds in crushing ways. Trials can challenge everything we’ve ever called good and if our faith is not built on the solid foundation of the absolute goodness and sovereignty of God, these trials will shatter us.

Trials may sever the limb, but a solid foundation knows it cannot sever hope. Trials might fold the car like tinfoil, but a solid foundation knows God remains on His throne. The enemy uses trials to try his bloody best to tear apart what the Lord has joined together, but a solid foundation knows, by the power of the Holy Spirit, love can prevail. Trials may manifest though a diagnosis, through a lack of funds, or through government-sanctioned persecution. However it presents, build your faith on the solid foundation of Jesus and these trials will not destroy your faith.

Every life will experience pain and loss.

The storm is certain. A storm has either just blown over, it rages now, or it is forecasted for tomorrow. I have never lived a year a life that has proven those words truer than this current one. The storm is certain. There is no avoiding the falling rain, the rising floods, or the blowing winds that beat against our house of faith. The storm is certain, but there is one foundation capable of upholding your house of faith—Jesus.

The foundation matters.

Be wise and build your house on the rock.


Hears what words? The previous verses in Matthew are known as the sermon on the Mount and go way back to chapter 5. It is where Jesus tells us what kind of person is blessed. He tell us we are salt and light. He explains He has come to fulfill the law. He speaks on anger, lust, divorce, oaths, revenge, loving our enemies, giving generously to those in need, prayer, fasting, storing our treasures in heaven, anxiety, judging others, approaching God with boldness, how we should treat others, discernment, and how the road that leads to eternal life is narrow.

We’ve heard the words, now we must do them. This is the hard part. It is hard to be salt and light in a tasteless and dark world. Every cell in my body opposes the commands of the Lord but in humility I must pursue the narrow road because I want to build my house on the rock. I want my house of faith to remain after the storm.

When we hear the words of Christ and live the words of Christ our house is built on the rock of Christ. Then, circumstance will not dictate the depth of our love for Him.

“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the wind blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”

Matthew 7:25