Summer is here and it demands creative thinking to keep the kids busy, happy, and unplugged from the electronic devices. Who wants to see kids cooped up indoors gaming, watching, and getting paler by the minute? I want to see wet smiles through the splashing, brown skin from our outdoor adventures, (It doesn’t seem to matter HOW much sunscreen we apply, we always turn a bit brown!) and imaginations going into overdrive.

But overdrive doesn’t have to cost a bomb.

Check out our first (of quite a few) cardboard creations. Every day Kate and Ian took their available tools and supplies and put their brains together to design, build, paint, and decorate a booth for…

Cool Lemonade/Fun Puppet Shows!


We got the old refrigerator box from a furniture store, the cardboard poles from a fabric store.



They used duct tape to hold together their design.


Leftover latex paint covered the printing on the box.



Various craft supplies decorated the project

While the big kids worked on the theater, the little kids made the puppets. It was a perfect way to spend a rainy morning.


I’m not sure how long the cardboard will hold up under the aggressive use of five kids, but they are having a blast putting on shows. Entertainment doesn’t get any better than this.
