How do I leave the place where I am loved, safe, and accepted?

How do I leave my home, friends like family, and all that is familiar?

How do I leave knowing that not everyplace is as accepting, loving, and encouraging as this one has been?

Because God calls.

The only thing scarier than the unknown, is willfully disobeying God. If I stamp my feet and refuse to move when God commands, I risk losing His blessing. If I defiantly remain in the comfortable, it will become uncomfortable. Because if God can no longer bless me here, if He removes Himself from my presence because I demanded my own way, all that was good is tainted and destroyed.

I do not long to go, but I will.

I did not ask to go, but He asked me to go.

I do not know what awaits, but I remember what has been.

I remember His blessings. I Β remember how He has carried me though other transitions. I Β remember how He has provided above and beyond my wildest dreams, not how I expected, but exactly what I needed. Always.

I will remember and believe.

My God is the same God He was yesterday when I cried leaving Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and all that was familiar. He is the same God today, as I prepare to leave St Catharines, and all that makes this place home. He will be the same God tomorrow when He plants us in a new community to love. He never leaves, nor forsakes His children.

I can go, because He goes before me.