Hi Stacey, thank you for having me here! I’m excited to share about my newest novel, A Dim Hope!

A Dim Hope is a story about not giving up—about pressing on. In the book, Amber, the main character in my story, is faced with many challenges. Not only does she face emotional challenges, but she’s also actually fighting for her life in a man-against-nature type plot. It is hard, and she wishes things were different. In fact, more than once, she is given the opportunity to back out of the adventure she’s been handed—to give up and go back to “normal.”

Of course, the problem with giving up is she would be returning to a “normal” full of problems. If she faces her challenges head-on, she might find the answers she needs to fix some of her problems.

Isn’t this how it is in life? We can settle for the status quo, but we won’t ever see things from the mountaintop. Maybe we don’t even have a choice to settle. Life has thrown us mighty challenges, and we do not get the choice to “give up.”

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14

It is my sincere hope and desire that A Dim Hope will give encouragement to Christians to keep going. Don’t give up! No matter the challenges we face, through God, we will always be victorious.

Does Amber find victory over her challenges? I won’t spoil the story for you, but I will say she finds more than she could ever imagine when her trials began!

A Dim Hope

Amber is in trouble. Her sister is dying—and so is her homeland. The Lifeforce stones that power their world are waning, and no one knows why. When the rulers of the land prepare a scientific expedition to study the place where the veins of the Lifeforce run deep, Amber is forced to travel as a servant with the expedition. Though Amber has longed for adventure, her dream always included her sister. Now her only wish is to return home with a cure before it’s too late.

Crops are wilting, food is scarce, and sandstorms, avalanches, and earthquakes threaten to doom the expedition. Besides this, there are more sinister forces at work. Quiet arguments and missing supplies lead Amber to believe their efforts are being sabotaged. She uncovers clues, but the real source of their trouble—and hope—lies in places she never expected.

About the Author

KATIE CLARK started reading fantastical stories in grade school, and her love for books never died. Today she reads in all genres; her only requirement is an awesome story! She writes young adult speculative fiction, including her romantic fantasy novel, The Rejected Princess, her Beguiled Series, and her dystopian Enslaved Series. You can connect with her at her website or on social media @KatieClarkBooks.