I had set a goal to complete my first draft of a new romantic suspense novel by Jan 31, 2021 — and I did it! This title began as a novella project, but it quickly grew into something far too big to contain within the confines of a novella. I don’t have a title yet, and I would love your suggestions. Some keywords to consider are:

  • holiday (Christmas)
  • stalker
  • mountain lodge
  • winter
  • second-chance romance
  • army chaplain
  • writer

You can comment below and share your brilliant title ideas or email me personally. I can’t wait to read your ideas. Maybe one will become the actual title! How cool would that be?

New to You

In the past few months, I’ve partnered with several authors for cross-promotion. Several of you have emailed to express your thanks for the title recommendations. I have a few more for you to check out today. I have NOT READ these titles. The first two are discounted novels, and the last one is a link to several FREE reads you might enjoy. Happy reading!

Disclaimer: When I reach out for these kinds of “swaps” (that’s what authors call this kind of cross-promotion), I am extremely clear that my readers are clean Christian readers. I explain that means I request swaps for titles with no foul language, no intimacy before marriage, no skin on the cover, and no sorcery. I ask for titles that contain an inspirational tone or message. I take the author’s word that their title meets the criteria. If you stumble across a title that does not meet these conditions, I would appreciate it if you would send me a quick message so that I can make a note.

Looking for a few free reads? This link takes you to several clean, inspirational, romance and romantic suspense titles FREE until March 28th. Feel free to send the deal to your friends, who might also enjoy these titles.

Check them out!