Fear. It robs peace, paralyzes progress and incites ongoing worry. It can creep onto the throne of our hearts in sly, slow progression, or as a catastrophic blast in the wake of overwhelming circumstance. Do you ever fear? Fear transparency? Fear of battling what you face?

Cover for Mistletoe Movie Star
In Mistletoe Movie Star, we see characters like Char exercise faith – not in the absence of fear, but in the midst of it. The Mistletoe characters often fear transparency. Char feared a broken and bare heart in the hands of Jonas Blade. Jonas feared rejection in the absence of fame or any humanitarian success to commend him. Natalie feared the exposure of her impoverished living circumstances. One of the greatest human needs is to belong – to be fully known yet fully loved anyway. To be accepted - not in the absence of our failings, but in the presence of them. To be adopted into committed intimacy with God and one another. Our longing to belong is inescapable – it reflects our Designer who Himself is community – being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Char exemplifies Christ’s acceptance of the destitute girls when she leaps to embrace them in distress and persistently advocate for their adoption. She knew that when Jesus’ hands were nailed onto pieces of wood, He surrendered to becoming sin so that invitation could be made for our adoption in.


Circumstances can also paralyze us with fear. In the absence of a known ending, Char was plagued with fear-filled questions about Nat, Beth and Suzy’s future, and plagued with insecurity about her capability in running a shelter effectively. Yet in the face of these fears she repeatedly recalls Scripture, calls others to pray as a community, and looks to her Lord’s proven character to work all things according to His glory and the good of His people. God cannot be less than He is, and He is always victorious.

Regardless of why or how fear has come, its presence will either move us to focus on the circumstances that we can see, or move us to trust in the One who controls the circumstances.  When our minds fill up with worry, let’s meditate on Jesus’ sovereignty. When our emotions fear rejection, let’s lean into His acceptance. Like Char, let’s step out in faith whenever we fear by calling on God’s power and presence to overcome the worry that we cannot. The very fear that distresses us can be the means God uses to grow our faith and testify to the One who ushers in peace. 

…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.   Philippians 4:6-7

Mistletoe Movie Star releases Dec 1st! Don’t miss your chance to read what others have called the best Mistletoe book yet!

Andrea Thom is a married mom to three kids and a therapist. She teaches the Bible through her writing and speaking ministry and has authored two Bible studies: Ruth—Redeeming the Darkness and Amos—Come Awake! You can connect with Andrea at AndreaThom.com