When God asked Kevin and I to leave our comfortable and happy home in St Catharines and follow Him into the great unknown, I felt fear.

Not fear about the actual move, because God had spent the past year preparing me for this moment of obedience. But fear of lost friendships. Of being misunderstood. Of making a mess of what had been a beautiful place to worship and serve.

I had hoped that when we announced God’s plan to use us in a church plant in a new city, that our friends would do more than accept the change. I desired their support. I had hoped that our departure would feel less like us leaving, and more like them sending.  Them sending us out with their blessing to further the work of God’s kingdom.

But was it naive to hope a congregation could send away their pastor and family with this sentiment?

Last Sunday we stood on the platform at our final service with our Orchard Park family. We were surrounded by friends. Some smiling. Some tearful. All supportive.

Then, one of our elders spoke words that brought instant tears to my eyes (tears that flowed steady for the next hour or so!). He referred to Orchard Park Bible Church as our sending church. He called for a committment from the people to pray for us now, and in the future months, for the adventure that awaits. He requested updates from us so they can pray specifically, and offered wonderful words of encouragement. He sent us with their support, their blessing, and their love.

He has no idea what his words meant. He has no idea that those exact words were words that I prayed to hear. Well, maybe he will if some of you reading this tell him 🙂

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God is good.  Oh, so good. We didn’t leave, we were sent. That little word makes all the difference in the world.

Sent with a blessing.

Sent with support.

Sent in love.

Thank you, Orchard Park, for letting God use you to answer my prayer as we obeyed His command to go.